Saturday, April 9, 2011

Week 6 - Rosemary Laing

Rosemary Lang is an Australian painter, photographer and performer. She is a well-known artist and has exhibited across the world including the United States, Europe and Asia as well as Australia. She is one of few Australian photographers to have a successful career overseas. Working as a exhibition consultant for top photographers, she was able to see how they chose to represent the country. This was where Laing first began to clearly understand about conceptual concepts. Laing has three major series of “work bulletproofglass”, “groundspeed” and “one dozen unnatural disasters in the Australian landscape”. These photographs create poetic and continuing relationships between the landscape and place. Her photographs show a powerful commentary on society and culture. The conceptual is strong in Laings work. She thinks through themes and plans their execution meticulously. With some of her projects, it took Laing up to 2 years to get the right shot. 

Annie Leibovits photographs are often taken on the go, she will phoograph events as they happen. Leibovitz is also known more for photographing celebrities for commercial purposes.  Even those many of Romemary Laings photographs appear spontaneous, they are all carefully designs and put together in a time consuming process. Laings work is much more artistic and less commercial that Leibovitz work.

a dozen useless actions for grieving blondes #2 2009
weather #10 2006

Laing has captured an impossible shot of a carefully poses bride sitting in mid air 
above the horizon line. Inserting the bride into a canonical Australian landscape
 ‘marries’ her to the bush. 

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